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Uni Export Import Ltd was founded in 1992. Since its establishment, the company has experienced rapid growth, thus, becoming one of the leading instant noodles and, soya and chili sauce producers in Bulgaria and Balkan peninsula.
The production site is situated in north –east part of Bulgaria, near the Romanian border with strategic location, equipped with modern equipment and technologies to achieve requirements for product safety and quality. Recently, the company has entered the new line for instant noodles, declaring its determination to achieve dominant market presence in this category as well. The brand of the company, Unifood, is well known in the market. We produce our products also under private label for Metro C&C, Billa, Fantastiko ect.
We produce wide range of noodles and sauces, as production recently is IFS certified.
Our mission is to produce products which are delicious for everyone, with highest quality and guaranteed safety.
Our strategy is continually to improve quality of the product and to adapt our marketing efforts to the respective consumer preferences.
Dear Partners and Customers, You are everything for us.
We hope that you will give us chance to prove our honesty, sincerity and professionalism.